Four Beginner Writing Tips

If you are just starting to work on your writing project, then you might have loads of questions in your mind related to the task of writing itself. Remember that the first step is always the most challenging, as everything else follows smoothly once you get the ball rolling.
The following tips can help you make your writing more fun, more productive, and safer.
Understand Your Process
As a novice writer, you should know how to set yourself up for success so that you can complete your first draft. If you don’t understand the process, you might get confused or burned out, or you might get distracted by another project.
Many people who have never written a book believe that writing a book is all about simply writing a book, which is not the case. You need to do a lot of preparation work before you even get to complete the first chapter of your book.
The work just doesn’t stop there – but – after you have completed your first manuscript, you will have to find a novel editor for hire, as the editor will be a professional with a fresh set of eyes and fresh mind who will go through the copy and look out for potential mistakes that might need some fixing.
Nonetheless, even before you start the first chapter, you will need to establish a brainstorming page or a mindmap to go through your character profile. You will also need to focus on the character names, world-building, the plot, etc.
You get the point—even before you start working on your first chapter, book writing is a step-by-step process. It is important to do the homework and understand all aspects of your book to really get to know your characters so that you can write in their perspective and voice.
So, before you even start writing, you will want to tick off all of the basic things, and you can take as much time as you want to prepare for the process.
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Make Good Use of Fonts
Another writing tip that can help you improve your writing is the use of fonts. You will want to use fonts for the different parts of your writing process. The best part about using fonts is that you can associate your brain to link different fonts with different parts of your writing process.
This aspect is particularly true if you are starting to write and you have a whole bunch of ideas. A great way to jot down your ideas to sort them out later is to stay consistent with the fonts. Using the fonts, you can actually get more work done and work through various projects. All you need to take care of is to keep the fonts the same.
For instance, you might be working on two different projects, which means that you will be using different fonts for each project. You might be using Times New Roman for the first project, and for another project that you might be brainstorming simultaneously, you might be using the Arial font.
By using the different fonts, you will shift your mindset according to the project as your mind will connect the particular font with the respective writing project.
Save and Protect Your Work
The next beginner writing tip is to protect your documents or written work. You will want to think of your book as your life’s assignment. Beginning to write a book is a big undertaking, which is why you must ensure that your documents and your computer are safe.
Also, you should know that the internet is a dangerous place, and many people on the internet want to steal your work, which is why you should install an anti-malware app on your computer to protect and clean your computer or phone from malware.
The right anti-malware app will also help you remove duplicate files or bad-quality photos. You can also eliminate spam notifications and protect your internet browsing by blocking malicious websites. Make sure to save and protect your work. Also, always keep a backup ready – just in case something happens to your work.
Discuss Your Book Idea
Another tip for beginner writers is to actually talk about your book project. If you have just started to write, you might find this tip a bit daunting, but we encourage you to be bold and to actually start to voice your story.
By discussing your book idea and talking to the right people about your idea, you will not only realize your passion for the book idea, but you will also feel your voice traveling back to you and giving you the realization about how much the book means to you.
When you hear your voice when you talk about your book, you will instantly feel the passion you have for the book. This aspect will sort of reinforce your brain and tell you how much you love the topic that you want to share with the world through your book. Believe us when we tell you that your readers will be able to tell whether or not you are passionate about the subject of your book.
This aspect also takes us to the importance of always choosing a subject or topic that intrigues you the most. So, don’t feel shy to talk about your book idea to your friends and peers – even just your reflection in the mirror.
Also, when you talk about your passion to other people, you will let them know that you are serious and that you are indeed a writer. While talking about your book idea, you might also sense several plot holes, which you can take notes of and fix later.
So, you will want to seriously consider talking about your book out loud – not only with people who care to know but also with yourself. You might want to read the written chapters out loud so you can hear how your story sounds. This simple act can help solve plot points and plot holes that you might have missed out on earlier.